

When a user conducts a search in Advanced, results will display in the format shown below. Search results are organized by type to help users easily navigate to the content desired.


The search bar is prominently featured on the home page of  Advanced. Users can type their search term here or use the advanced search options- see more about those here.

search bar

A search box is also always available in the upper left-hand corner of Advanced, indicated by the magnifying glass icon. Users can enter a word or phrase in the search box, then choose search.

magnifying glass

The basic search will also search for different tenses and plurals of the term entered. For example, a search for "book" will retrieve the articles that contain the words "book," "books," or both. The results of the search could include:

  • Encyclopedia articles
  • Dictionary
  • Maps
  • Historical maps
  • Tables
  • Sounds
  • Images
  • Videos and Animations
  • Back in Time articles
  • Special reports
  • Websites
  • Research guides

Search results

The search results page displays the top articles from Advanced. The article best matching the search is listed first.

  1. In any search result list, users can scroll down for more articles, or choose from one of the up to 12 other types of search results. To display the additional source types, select More to reveal the drop-down menu.
    content types
  2. The number of results pertaining to each content type appears in parenthesis next to the respective type.
    number of results
  3. Select the icon next to any listing to save it to a My Research project, accessible via a personalized log-in.
    save to my research